Friday, October 31, 2008

NanoWriMo TIME!!!!!!!!

The Trophy Wife is so excited. Tomorrow is November 1st. You know what that means...NaNoWriMo time. That is National Novel Writing Month for those of you not in the know. It's where us aspiring novelistas attempt to write a 50,000 word novel or the first 50,000 words of a novel in -wait for it- 30 DAYS!!!!! EEK. I know. I know. That breaks down to at least 1,666.6666666666666666666666 words a day. Lets just round that up 2nd grade style: 1,670. ( to the nearest tens place, lol) That is alot of damn words in one day. But oh yes it can be done.

The great thing about Nano is that the focus is primarily on output. It forces those of us that are anal about perfect phraseology to quiet the self-editing voices in out heads and just write. The only requirement to "win" Nano is that you write 50,000 words. Whether you cheat yourself and write the same word 50,000 times is all on you. No one is going to read it. On the NanoWrimo site, there is merely a word count. Nano is truly a reason to be self-satisfying. Write what you have always wanted but have talked yourself out of.

So, November 1st is less than 4 hours away and I have no idea what I am writing about. I guess that I am going to have to wing it. I am better working on the fly anyway. That is how I graduated from college with honors. Magna Cum Laude to be precise. All procrastination :)

As this post comes to an end, it is 8:49 pm. Almost 3 hours till nano. Let's go get em.

If anyone want to add me as a friend, my name is "reignbeaulefem"

Still to come from the TROPHY WIFE:

Excerpt from the NaNo Novel.

I'm Crushing

Oh yeah, we here at The Aspirant Trophy Wife have an UBER crush on Rachel Maddow. By we, I mean me. When I saw her, my gaydar SCREAMED "lesbian." I am very happy to find out that I was right. So now, I am no longer ashamed of the girl boner that she gives me. BOING! Let's face MSNBC has a winner! Chris Matthews and Kieth Olberman are okay...but Rachel. Man listen. I think that I am in love. Welp, very deep and penetrating lust.

After last night's interview with President Barack Obama (yes I said President. I am not superstitious. Take that universe.) Everytime she chuckled at one of his amazing answers, I wanted to jump through the screen and nuzzle her widdle cheeks.

Ms. Maddow...mmmm. She is snarky, slick mouthed, unapolegetic, and God damn sexy. She is playing with the big boys and besting them everytime. So I am officially Rachel stalking.

Definately Trophy Wife approved.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trophy Wife Skills

Part of becoming a Trophy Wife, is making sure that you mind is right as well as your outward apperance. So as part of this journey to self-actualiztion, I have decided to get my Master's degree. I have yet to figure out in what. The first step in getting this degree is to take the damn GRE. (Graduate Record Examination) Truthfully, I should have taken it before I completed my undergrad study. I just had so much on my plate then. And I was still unsure of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

Nonetheless, I have to take this damn GRE. Vocabulary is a major part of the test... and an articulate person is always desireable. So I present Trophy Wife Vocab. This way, I can boost my GRE score and you can learn a word that you may not have know. Win..Win. Today's word is courtesy of The Huffington Post.


Pronunciation: \ˈmȯd-lən\
Function: adjective

1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly
2 : weakly and effusively sentimental

Make- Up...dun dun duuuuuun

So, I suck at being a girl. At least where make-up is involved. When most girls learn to do their make-up from their friends when they are in high school or maybe even middle school. (1) I did not have many friends (2) the few that I did were guys. So I missed that boat completely.

Now, I am 24 years old and I often get mistaken for a 16 year old. I am sure that I will be quite appreciative of this when I am 30. As for now, I think that this is a hindrance to my professional and social life. So have decided that I am going to dedicate a bit of time and money to learning to get my make-up on.

I have visited a few beauty blogs (that are linked on my blogroll). Most of them suggest Mac, Nars, and Bobbi Brown. I am not at the point where I want to shell out the bucks that these products would cost. So I hit the CVS and the discount make-up store at the Jersey Gardens mall and picked up some ELF. products. Then I have my big color palette that I got from Mandee for $10.00.

So here is my first attempt.

If you have any tips, I am more than appreciative

Monday, October 20, 2008

What the Hell Do I Want?

That is a question that I have not asked myself in a long time. I thought that I had established a healthy practice of continually reaching for a the stars. That was a long time ago-the last time that I was single. For the past four years I have been thinking in terms of we. What do we want? I held back alot and missed out on lot of opportunities partially because I didn’t want to leave her behind or I didn’t want to ” emasculate” her.

Today is a new day and I’m enjoying the process of getting to know me again. I even took myself out to dinner earlier this week. A while ago, if I were forced to goto dinner alone, I would have been crying into my glass of Pinot Grigio. This time, I was able to go to a restaurant that I have never been to and eat food that I have never tried. Before, a night out was picking which Taco Bell we would go to and a trip to play in the toy isle in Tar-jay. Don’t get is twisted, I love my Taco Bell Crunch wraps and cheesy potatoes. Lord’ knows how much I love Target, but that is night not a date night.

The night that I spent alone @ that Thai restaurant in the West Village was one of the best times that I have had in a long time ( alone or with anyone.) I sat at that table that was decorated with a single votive candle that set an ambiance that I am sure was meant for lovers and I felt like I was the only company that I needed. I didn’t have worry about going over budget, or someone picking in my plate with their fingers. No one was reminding me that I was using the chopsticks incorrectly. I The best part of all was that I didn’t have to manufacture inane conversation. For the first time ever, I savored a meal. I actually sat down to a meal to taste the food and enjoy the texture. I reveled in the spices that I had never encountered and got a cheeky smile when they interacted with herbs and spices that were familiar to me.

Get this, when I was full. I pushed the plat away. That was it. This may seem small, but I have serious food addiction . It is a rarity for me to just say no to more food. It is like being disrespectful to the hungry and the Thai food Gods. But I did it.

So now that I have this new found independence, it its time to make sure that my solitude works in my favor. What is it that I want? My goal is to align my intent with my wants so that opportunities with come to me and it will be almost effortless.

But really, do I know what I want? I have a vague idea that is mostly set in abstractions. For the most part I need to improve me all over. I need to get my body right, my mind right, money right. Now to delve deeper into those categories.

This is going to take a bot more thought

Hi, Howdy, Salutations and all the...

and WELCOME to my blog. Okay, this is more than a blog for me. This this chronicle of my journey to become the ultimate TROPHY WIFE. Yes, you read correctly. I want- no- aspire to be a trophy wife. I’m sure that it sounds crazy and you may be ready to write me off right now…WAIT. I do not want to be a just a pretty girl on someones arm. I want to be the best me that I can be. I want to become my own prize.

I just got out of a 4 year relationship. While being a part of a couple, I lost grasp of who I am. I was so used to being a part of whole that I was simply C’s girlfriend. Every choice that I made and every step that I took was to appease her. It was seemingly beyond my realm of capability to think about my own well being. We met when I was 19. So basically I’ve been in a relationship for my entire adult life. Instead of becoming the women that I wanted, I became the girlfriend that she wanted.

Now it’s a new day and I’m seeking trophy wife status for myself. Before I even begin to be someone else’s prize, I must be my own. The goal is not to be someone else’s arm candy…you can leave that to the Eva Longoria’ s of the world. The goal is to become my own ideal. Self-work is the most important thing that anyone can do. When I find balance within me, then I won’t have to look for my trophy wife. She will gravitate to me. And she will have put as much into developing her self, mentally/ spiritually/physically…and every other -ally, as I have.

So this is where I will post my fears, rants, raves, advice, request for advice, randomness..and anything else. Hopefully this will encourage some of you to find you inner trophy wife. And I know that there will be some that will help me uncover mine. You may learn something. As I learn, I will share. Stay tuned.This is going to be a hell of a ride, but I’m ready.