Part of becoming a Trophy Wife, is making sure that you mind is right as well as your outward apperance. So as part of this journey to self-actualiztion, I have decided to get my Master's degree. I have yet to figure out in what. The first step in getting this degree is to take the damn GRE. (Graduate Record Examination) Truthfully, I should have taken it before I completed my undergrad study. I just had so much on my plate then. And I was still unsure of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
Nonetheless, I have to take this damn GRE. Vocabulary is a major part of the test... and an articulate person is always desireable. So I present Trophy Wife Vocab. This way, I can boost my GRE score and you can learn a word that you may not have know. Win..Win. Today's word is courtesy of The Huffington Post.
Pronunciation: \ˈmȯd-lən\
Function: adjective
1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly
2 : weakly and effusively sentimental
Anxiety Much?
8 years ago
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